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demandPlus+ Setup

All App options are managed in the demandPlus+ Setup.



Change Plan. Calib. Shortcuts

Detailed Ordering Costs

Bitmap Setup

Subscription Status



Name Description
Fill New Planning Calibration Values Transfers the calculated values automatically to the new values in the planning calibration.
Update Zero Qty. in Masterdata If selected, zero values will be transfered to master data when issuing a planning calibration. If deselected, zero values will be ignored.
Reorder Point Surcharge % Specifies a percentage surcharge which will be added to the calculated reorder point.
Ordering Costs Absolute cost of creating a single order. This value is used to calculate the optimal Reorder Quantity.
Stock Keeping Expense Ratio % Percentage costs for the storage of items. This value is used to calculate the optimal Reorder Quantity.
Maximum Inventory Surcharge % Percentage surcharge on the Reorder Point for calculating Maximum Inventory.
Plan. Calib. Shortcut Table ID Specifies the Table ID for Plan. Calib shortcuts. For more information about the Plan. Calib. Shortcuts see:: Shortcut Fields
Plan. Calib. Shortcut Tablecaption Specifies the table caption for Plan. Calib shortcut.
Plan. Calib. Shortcut Field ID Specifies the Field ID for Plan. Calib shortcut.
Plan. Calib. Shortcut Fieldcaption Specifies the field caption for Plan. Calib shortcut.
Planning Calibration Nos. Specifies the code of the number series used to assign numbers for planning calibrations. Will be automatically created when the extension is installed.
Issued Planning Calibration Nos. Specifies the code of the number series used to assign numbers for issued planning calibrations. Will be automatically created when the extension is installed.
Planning Template Nos. Specifies the code of the number series used to assign numbers for planning templates. Will be automatically created when the extension is installed.
Precalc. Schema Column Starting No.
Specifies the start no. for the column numbers of a precalculation schema.
Precalc. Schema Column Step
Specifies the increment between each column number of a precalculation schema.
Precalculation Schema Nos.
Specifies the code for the number series that will be used to assign numbers to precalculation schemas.
Precalculation Nos.
Specifies the code for the number series that will be used to assign numbers to precalculations
Precalculation Process Nos.
Specifies the code for the number series that will be used to assign numbers to precalculation processes.
Post Calculation Nos.
Specifies the code for the number series that will be used to assing numbers to post calculation.
Post Calculation Schema Nos.
Specifies the code for the number series that will be used to assing numbers to post calculation schemas.

Change Plan. Calib. Shortcuts

For more information about the Plan. Calib. Shortcuts see: Shortcut Fields

Detailed Ordering Costs

For more information on the detailed ordering cost see: Detailed Ordering Costs

Bitmap Setup

For more information about the bitmap setup see: Assisted Setup

Subscription Status

For more information about the subscription status see: Subscription Status